
Michael Kelly, Founder & Creative Director, Salon HER

This interview is with Michael Kelly, Founder & Creative Director at Salon HER.

Michael Kelly, Founder & Creative Director, Salon HER

Michael, can you tell us a bit about yourself and what journey led you to become an expert in the beauty industry?

I always had an artistic streak, but never imagined it would lead me to hair. At 16, I started as an apprentice in a mall salon—this emo kid with big brown eyes and a whole lot of curiosity. From there, I threw myself into the world of hairdressing, landing at different salons until I found my home. Working there was a game-changer—it was like stepping into the heartbeat of Australian hair culture. I really cut my teeth, learning from the best, and discovering that hairdressing was not just about technique, but about connection and creativity. During this time, I connected with my industry mentor, Sheree Knoble. It was by her side that I felt truly nurtured and was able to learn the tools I needed to develop an expert pathway for myself.

What are some pivotal moments in your career that have shaped your approach to beauty, fashion, and business?

Three moments stand out. First, stepping into a leadership role in salon education early on—it was terrifying at the time because I struggled with self-worth, but it ended up being the best decision. It taught me that sharing knowledge and fostering growth in others was just as important as technical mastery. The second was moving to London. I had reached career highs at 25 that most people work decades for, so I decided to start again in a new city to challenge myself. It was a period of immense growth, both professionally and personally, but it also taught me the value of humility and staying grounded in this industry. And, of course, the third: opening Salon HER—a true conglomeration of all my learnings, and a huge moment for me.

Many aspiring stylists are eager to make their mark in the industry. What's the most valuable piece of advice you'd give to someone just starting out in the world of hair and beauty?

Be unapologetically yourself. It's easy to get caught up in trends or try to be what you think the industry wants, but your individuality is your superpower. Secondly, don't skip the fundamentals. Get those core techniques down because they will be your foundation as you grow. And always keep learning—not just about hair, but about people, because at the end of the day, hairdressing is a people-first business.

Building a successful business requires a strong team. How do you approach team building and fostering a positive and productive salon environment?

I've always believed that a salon's culture starts with how we treat each other. At Salon HER, we're like family—supportive, inclusive, and passionate. It's about creating a space where everyone feels comfortable being themselves and collaborating. I'm also big on communication. I want my team to know they can come to me with anything, whether it's about work or personal matters. When your team feels seen and heard, they'll bring that same energy to the clients. We focus on growth together, making sure that every stylist feels empowered to push their boundaries and learn from one another.

Creating a recognizable brand is crucial in today's competitive market. What key steps did you take to establish and grow your personal brand or salon brand?

I wanted Salon HER to feel like a sanctuary for people—a place where luxury meets authenticity. My focus was always brand, then business. I knew what Salon HER looked like and felt like long before it came to fruition. I did this by engaging design support where I needed it, developing a strong voice through logo, fonts, and color. Staying true to my vision was key throughout the process. It wasn’t about following trends or trying to fit into the mold of what a high-end salon “should” be. I wanted something different—a space that felt personal, intimate, and reflective of the community we wanted to build. Every decision, from the lighting to the music to the client journey, was crafted with that in mind. Salon HER was never just a business idea; it was a fully-formed identity waiting to be brought to life. And that’s exactly what I set out to do.

Marketing plays a vital role in attracting clients. What marketing strategies have you found most effective in reaching your target audience?

Social media, especially Instagram, has been a powerful tool for us. It’s not just about showcasing hair transformations, but telling the story behind them. Our posts reflect the experience clients have when they walk through our doors—personal, authentic, and a little bit fun. But nothing beats word of mouth. Happy clients are your best marketing team, and we’ve been so lucky to build a community that spreads the love. Our Friends-of-HER loyalty program helps, too, giving clients an extra incentive to stay connected with us.

The beauty industry is constantly evolving with new trends and techniques. How do you stay updated and incorporate these advancements into your work?

I’m constantly seeking inspiration from everywhere—whether it’s traveling for workshops, teaching internationally, or simply having a conversation with a client. I believe in staying curious, not complacent. I’ve been fortunate to work alongside some of the best hairdressers around the world, and I’m always learning from them. At Salon HER, we don’t just follow trends—we adapt them to what feels authentic to each client. It’s all about finding that balance between innovation and intuition.

Client relationships are at the heart of the beauty industry. What strategies do you use to build trust and rapport with your clients?

It's about listening with intent. When clients come to Salon HER, they're not just after a service; they're looking for an experience. We take the time to understand who they are and what they're hoping to achieve. I'm a big believer in being upfront—if something isn't achievable, we talk about how we can work towards it while keeping the integrity of their hair intact. We build trust by delivering on our promises, by making sure they feel comfortable and confident in their decisions every step of the way.

Looking ahead, what are your predictions for the future of the beauty industry, and how are you preparing for those changes?

Sustainability is becoming more important than ever, and I think the industry will see a shift toward cleaner, eco-conscious products and practices. At Salon HER, we’re already ahead of that curve by working with brands like Redken, which are known for their non-toxic, high-performance products. I also think clients are craving more personalized experiences, and that’s something we’re passionate about—making sure every client feels like they’re getting a service that’s tailored to their unique style and needs. We’re continuing to evolve our offerings to keep pace with that shift.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

I’m incredibly grateful to be able to create a space like Salon HER—a place that feels like home for both our team and our clients. It’s been a journey, but one that’s been worth every step. For me, it’s always about creating meaningful connections, through hair and beyond. We’re excited about what’s next and can’t wait to welcome more people into the HER family.

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